Washing Machine

The washing machine is an electrically operated machine used to clean clothes, towels, sheets, etc. The rotary washing machine was invented in 1850s by Hamilton Smith. At early 1930, electricity was not available. That time, the washing machine was operated by a low-speed single cylinder gasoline engine. Earlier, there was one more machine called a wringer/mangle; the less dirty clothes were  washed first to utilize the soapy water for the next round. Then more dirty clothes were used to wash. This machine was dangerous as it could catch finger, arm or hand of the washer. Till the time electric motors were introduced, people relied on some capricious designs.

The first washing machine idea was patented in 1691. A drawing corresponding to that idea was figured up in 1752. Later on in 1782s and 1790s, several modified ideas were developed. The first washing machine was shown Richard Lansdale in 1862 in an exhibition in London.

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