Oolah, the lizard, was out getting yams on a Mirrieh flat. She had three of her children with her. Wayambeh took her and her children to his camp. His tribe asked him if her tribe had given her to him. He said, “No, I have stolen her.” “Well,” they said, “her a turtle, tribe will soon be after her; you must protect yourself. In a short time, the Oolah were seen coming across the plain which faced the camp of the Wayambeh.
They were armed with fighting weapons. The chief said, “Now, Wayambeh, you had better go out onto the plain and do your own fighting; we shall not help you.” Wayambeh chose the two biggest boreens that he had; one he slung on him, covering the front of his body, and one the back; he strode out to meet his enemies. Shower after shower of weapons they shot at him, and were getting at such close quarters that his only chance was to dive into the creek. He turned towards the creek and plunged in. Now a strange creature came out of the water which looked like him.