
The Ploceidae (scientific name) or weaver birds are found mostly in Sub-Saharan Africa and tropical parts of Asia. Ranging from 5 inches (African and Asian Weaver) to 10 inches (African Buffalo Weaver), these birds are small Old World birds, which generally have colourful plumage of either yellow or red and black. Their diet is comprised mostly of seeds and grains. Polygamous breeders, their average clutch has 1-2 eggs. Incubation time varies. These birds are known as weavers, because of the elaborate and intricately woven nests that they build for the eggs. The ‘social weavers’ of South Africa work in large numbers to build a nest which can house as many as 400 birds. Its IUCN listing is NEAR THREATENED for some species, and ENDANGERED for others.

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