Parents always want what’s best for their children. The same goes for teachers too. When teachers see these children come to their classroom, they want them to learn things that will prepare them for high school.
Teachers and parents play an important role in a toddlers education. Kids in preschool are at an age where they need guidance and support from elders.
There are many who get confused between preschool and kindergarten. As the name suggests, preschool is for kids who are too young and are not yet ready for school. Preschools are meant mostly for kids between 2 to 4 while Kindergartens are meant for children from 4 to 6.
Choosing the right preschool and kindergarten for your kid can make a huge difference in their life. Early education plays an important role as to what the child will grow up to be in the future, so parents have to make a really conscious choice.
From knowing how to develop reading habits of kids, teaching kids about colours different geometrical shapes, reading time, weather, to improving the motor skills, etc, teachers and parents have it hard. But at the end of the day if a child is going home with new knowledge and happiness, then what more do adults want?
1. Fundamentals of Reading and Writing – A to Z

This is the first step of the education process that kids have to take. Children are taught all the alphabets and sounds. This can be done with the help of a picture book or by holding out real objects that start with that alphabet. For e.g., a teacher can hold an Apple for the kids to see when the first letter “A” is being taught.
2. Colours, Shapes And Objects

Children in preschool are also taught what the different colours are. It will be more fun if the kids are given these colours in the form of crayons, colour pencils or paint. To learn body parts teachers can point out those parts on the kids, for e.g.- a teacher can touch the kid’s nose and say, “this is your nose” ” these are your eyes”. Kids tend to respond well if the class is interactive, and they are having fun.
3. Fun With Words

Kindergartens usually make kids ready for school so that they do not get left behind when the time of actual learning comes. Reading is the most important part of the learning circle. Kids should know how to pronounce basic words as they have to communicate with kids of other ages. Teachers should also teach kids how to write simple words like cat, dog, hat etc. An increase in a child’s vocabulary from this age will significantly help them in the future. Teachers can Read out poems, rhymes, storybooks and make the kids repeat after them.
4. Numbers Come To Play

A preschool kid should be taught how to count from 0 to 9. Numbers form the base for future mathematical problems. Give each kid a number badge and make them play a game where they have to hide and find the kid whose number is being shouted out. Or the kids can play a game based on numbers where Kids have to count objects by giving a number to each object and whoever counts the most, wins. Building blocks are also a great way to make children learn numbers through fun and objects.
Also Read – How to Develop Writing Skills in Children
5. Training Of The Mind And The Body

Pre-schoolers are at an age where they are able to retain information and their memory gets stronger. Till the time they reach kindergarten they are able to retain more information. Activities in preschools help increase and develop their cognitive skills.
While in preschool and kindergarten kids have to learn how to use pencils, crayons, scissors and draw different shapes. All these actions require them to hold objects in a certain way. This helps them develop their motor skills and their hand muscles.
6. The Wonders Of Nature And Environment

Kids should learn about the environment they are in and the wonderful things that nature has to offer. Taking the kids to a picnic in the park and telling them about the trees, flowers, and butterflies etc will boost their curiosity and make them wonder more about nature. Also, tell them about the importance of trees, the air we breathe, keeping our environment clean etc. Instilling nature positive habits like these will make them respect mother earth, nature, and the environment they live in.
7. Little Social Butterflies

In preschool and kindergarten children meet other children of their age with who they are supposed to interact and communicate with. It is the first time in their lives when kids go out of the comfort of their homes and parents and meet strangers. It is significantly important for teachers to teach kids the importance of interacting with others, empathizing, learning to behave, respecting all, being kind etc. These social skills shape the characteristics of a child and help them smoothly converse with others.
Now that you know how important preschool and kindergarten is for your kids why don’t you go share this article with them? And remember that every decision taken regarding your kid’s life should be taken with great caution. Also, comment what you think of the article and if we missed something to add. We would love to hear from you!
What Is The Usual Pre-School Fee?
Preschool is important for kids and gets them ready for kindergarten. It’s like a step that needs to be climbed to get on the second step of the ladder, which is kindergarten. Parents usually don’t think much when it comes to the betterment of their children. The Preschool fee is generally around 30k to 50k a year. Good preschools with an international level of education and architecture, charge even higher. It also depends on region to region. Areas with higher development charge higher fees while local preschools possibly have lower fee levels.
In India, 3-4 years is the best age till which a kid can enrol in preschool. This is the ideal age for preschool admissions. But parents need to know that age is not just the only factor that should be considered while looking for preschool admissions. There are so many factors that need to be taken into account other than the ideal age. 1. Communicate with your child first, if they are not ready then do not force them to go to preschool. Some children take more time to get ready than others. If you think your kid runs out of energy easily and requires frequent breaks then you shouldn’t send your child to preschool as preschools require a child to be really active.If you think your kid finds it hard to be around new people and is not yet socially developed, then that is also a factor that parents should consider. After all, it’s a decision that will affect your kids’ life.
4 is an age when a kid is kindergarten-ready. Your kid is now taking his/her first step towards proper education. Kindergarten is a really important time in a child’s life, it lays the foundation for future studies. 4-year-old kids should know:
1. The 26 alphabets
2. The letters and the sounds they make
3. Pronunciation of basic words
4. Counting from 1 to 20
5. Reading their favourite story smoothly
6. Should know how to write their name and address
7. To form short sentences etc
8. Know basic colours, read the time etc
Parents have the biggest smiles on their faces when they see their kids going to kindergarten. As much as the parents don’t want to send their kids away from their protection, is it important for the child to grow and develop. Kindergartens do exactly that. By kindergarten, a child should know how to
1. Get dressed by themselves
2. Eat breakfast on their own
3. Pack their bags
4. Write their name and address
5. Greet the teacher when they enter class
6. Talk properly and interact with their peers
7. Listen to instructions that the teachers are giving in class
8. Should be able to identify shapes and name different objects
9. Be able to differentiate between words and the sounds they make
1. Should know how to properly hold the pencil, crayons or scissors.
A child will always need his/her parents, no matter how old they become. Even as an adult, a child needs the support of their parents to continue moving forward in life. Parents should know what their child needs and whatnot. Giving everything that your child demands, even when you know it’s not a good thing. The following are not all that a kid needs, but are some of the most important ones:
1. Safe environment
A child needs a safe environment from the time they are born. A child should feel safe around their parents, only then they can grow and develop.
2. Love and attention
Neglecting your child is one of the worst things a parent can do to their child. Giving your child all the love and attention in the world does wonder as your child has nobody other than you in this world till the time they don’t go out and meet others. Children crave love, they need extra attention as they are still young stars who are just seeing the world.
3. Proper nutrition and hygiene
Proper diet and hygiene is a must for your kid to maintain their health and happiness. With the required amount of nutrition going through their body, children will be active and will be able to focus more on their studies, on playing with friends etc.
4. Education
I’m sure the parents themselves know how important this is for a child. It’s the first step that kids take outside the comfort of their homes and away from their parents. This is the basis for everything the child goes through and ends up doing as a living.
5. Interaction
Children respond well to words and interaction. When parents talk, the words kids hear is their only source of vocabulary for a long time. These words are also used by kids when they move on to receive an education. Ensure that you are using appropriate words and are talking in a really soft. Respond when your kid calls you, be attentive about what they’re saying.