What is the Function of Epiglottis?

Epiglottis has a flap structure which is made up of an elastic cartilage that is covered with hard roof or hard skin known as mucous membrane, which is closely attached at the start of the larynx. There is a risk of epiglottis in the young children or growing children because these glands at some times start swell up and can cause difficulty in breathing. Vaccination and other treatment have been developed against this disease to prevent the disease all together or all at the same time. Epiglottis secures the start of the glottis, the centre part of the vocal folds. It is strategically shifted upward so that one part of epiglottis may be breathe with the underside of the functioning area or part of the pharynx, but the another one inside the region that is known as swallowing. Epiglottis is made up of nine cartilaginous which is made up of larynx.

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