What a day I had yesterday! Everything that could go wrong went wrong.
The day started very badly. I find it difficult to drag myself out of bed on winter mornings and I was late getting up. I had to queue for the bathroom while my elder sister spent ages putting on her makeup. That made me later still.
Then I discovered that my new puppy had chewed a hole in my school uniform. I was very worried .my mother had forbidden me to take the puppy upstairs. He was supposed to stay in the kitchen overnight, but I had smuggled him upstairs.
My mother was absolutely furious that I had disobeyed her. Fortunately, I had another school uniform, but it needed ironing. By the time I had ironed it, I was seriously late.
I had definitely missed the bus. Fortunately, I persuaded Dad to give me a lift.
I grabbed a piece of toast for breakfast. When I went out to the car Dad was looking under the car’s bonnet. The car would not start! Dad rang the garage, but it was going to be two hours before they could send someone to fix it.
I ran to get the next bus, but it was very late arriving at school. I was given a detention for that afternoon. That meant I could not attend the football practice. I would miss the chance to be chosen for the school team.
I was so sad about that, that I could not concentrate on my schoolwork. I was scolded by several of the teachers and the English teacher gave me a detention for not paying attention in class.
I had a really terrible day. I was glad to go to bed early to get away from all the disasters.