Being rich had been never my ambition. I had never envied wealthy people for their money. One day, however, I did become very rich. I won the first prize in a lottery.
I won 1 crore from a lucky draw. I could not believe it. I was at my wits’ end about what to do with the money. Gradually I calm down and decided make a best use of it.
I made several plans and carried them out accordingly. First, I bought a mansion at the seaside. The eight-bedroom house had all the things necessary for luxury living. Among other things, it had a swimming pool, tennis and badminton courts, a music room and a large garden. The money also enabled me to express my gratitude to my parents for all they had done for me. They had brought me up with love and had sent me to school. I persuaded them to resign from their jobs so that they could spend the rest of their lives in ease and comfort. I also engage two maids to look after them.
Although I had become rich, I did not forget those less fortunate. I wanted to help them in every possible way. I contracted several organizations helping the poor and offered donations. I also provided bursaries for children whose parents had difficulty in putting them through school.
I then planned for what I had wanted to do—travelling to foreign lands. I bought a return ticket for a two month tour of Europe, and packed my bags.
All of sudden, everything came to an end. I woke up from my sleep.
At my wits end—on the horns of
Accordingly—as planned
Mansion—a big house