Bob Senior, had recently died. His will plainly expressed that his 5 million dollars worth of gold was to go to Bob Junior, but it seemed that Bob Senior (we’ll call him Bob from now on and Bob Junior, Bobby) had hidden his gold and had given him a riddle within the will. Bobby pondered for a long while before figuring out where the gold was. Can you figure it out? Here is the will:
Great son, I have hidden the money.
Outstanding though you are, can you find my precious jewellery?
Let yourself explore your 120 arboresque friends to find the gold.
Do read on to save your time, son.
Uncovering 120 trees, though, takes forever and a day, so is it worth it?
No, so read on as you please & will.
Do not hire a professional detective.
Earn your right to the sybaritic gold.
Right side of arbor field it is.
Plot five plus six plus root of 7 or.
Instead take the 9th tree from left.
At noon the shadow will show you the difficult, unlikely solution.
Never forget the proverb—the pot will not boil by itself.
Outstanding you are, only by finding the gold do you, my son, have the right to claim it.

The gold was hidden under the piano. The first letters of the sentences spell: GOLDUNDERPIANO. Put spaces in to get “Gold Under Piano”! The actual text in the will is only to confuse you.