Long ago, there was a world with no colours.
Then you know what happened.
There came a buzzing bee which sucked the nectar of the flowers and flew away. Nobody knew that the colours of the world were trapped inside the nectar.
That’s why the world was not looking pretty.
When the buzzing bee took the nectar away, then she saw the colours and exclaimed, “Oh wow! What wonderful colours are trapped inside the nectar!”
Then she set the colours free. Thereafter, the colours spread themselves in the whole world.
Answer the following questions
1 What kind of world was there long ago?
(a) without colours (b) with colours (c) with birds (d) with animals
2 Where were the colours of the world trapped?
(a) inside honey (b) inside the nectar (c) inside the bottle (d) inside the ice cream
3 Who took the nectar away?
(a) bear (b) bee (c) fly (d) bird
4 What did the bee do with the colours?
(a) set the colours free (b) killed the colours (c) wasted the colours (d) destroyed the colours
5 Choose the odd one out.
orange- black- purple- toy