One day, little Krishna was playing with the gopas, his shepherd friends. He suddenly saw the mud on the ground and was attracted towards it. He hid from his friends and ate some of the mud. But, unfortunately, the gopas saw him and complained to mother Yashoda about his behaviour. Yashoda held a long stick in her hands and angrily rushed to Krishna. She started scolding and beating Krishna. She knew that her son might fall sick. She did not want her child to develop such a bad habit. Due to this reason she was scolding her dear son. Krishna started weeping bitterly and told that he had not eaten mud. So, Yashoda asked him to open his mouth and show it to her. As soon as little Krishna opened his mouth, Yashoda saw all the mountains, rivers, oceans, sun, moon, stars, Lord Brahma and all other demi-gods in his mouth. She was surprised to see the whole universe in his mouth. She had realised that his son was the Almighty Lord himself. But when she saw her dear son weeping, she forgot about all this and hugged her son lovingly.