Who’s King Blue?

On a lonely night, a jackal was running for his life. He was being chased by some mongrels. Soon, the jackal reached the end of the village where a washerman lived. To save his life, he entered the washerman’s house and jumped into a vat of indigo. He hid there until the mongrels had left. Next day, the jackal went back to the jungle, not realising that his colour had changed. All the other animals were frightened to see the blue creature. While passing by a river, the jackal saw his reflection in the water. He understood why the animals were scared. Soon, he became king. One night, a pack of jackals began to howl loudly. The blue jackal too started to howl. The animals guarding his den realised that their king was just an ordinary jackal. He had be fooled them. So they chased him out of the jungle.

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