Mosquitoes are famous for distributing diseases like malaria, etc to human beings but you will be really surprised to know that mosquitoes cannot spread AIDS virus (HIV). Actually, AIDS is spread by unsafe sexual relationships, by injecting HIV affected blood to the body or by injecting infected injections. No doubt, mosquitoes also suck our blood by injecting their needle-like mouth structures, but even then, they cannot spread such disease. But a normal infected needle can cause so because in the human body, T cells are present by which HIV virus gets bound and starts replicating. T cells are perfect specific host cells for HIV, so by infecting needles HIV virus is welcomed and transferred into the other body. When mosquitoes suck the blood of an HIV infected person, HIV gets into a mosquito’s gust where no T cells are present to host such virus. So the virus does not replicate and, later, gets broken down into the mosquito’s digestive system.
Why can’t Mosquitoes Transmit HIV?