There are multiple factors due to which pimples come up on the face. They are categorized as genetic factors, hormonal and environmental factors. As a genetic reason for pimples, it is very clear that due to genes it is family inheritance. Suppose father has pimples on his face then children can have them on their faces. In the hormonal case, hormonal changes are major factor that can be seen on the teenager’s age of life. As hormones change with age our skin also needs a change which can be a cause for pimples. One more factor in the hormonal changes is that disease that happens will change the hormones. The medicines we take bring about weakness which changes some hormones. Lastly, environmental factors come into play where dust and dirt in the surrounding can cause pimples on the face. Also, the moisture in the face or an oily face will cause pimples on the face.
Why do Pimples Come on the Face?