Why do Salty Soils Kill Plants?

Sometimes you may have noticed irregular bare spots in your gardens and odd crop growth. At that time, you might have thought that you have taken care of everything even then why it is so. Actually, it is so because of salty soils which are caused by poor drainage, deicing salts, excessive use of fertilizers or dry conditions. Such presence of salt in soil can limit firstly the ability of plant to absorb water, poor seed germination, reduce fruit and vegetable yields, plant burn, inhibit flowering, restrict root growth, etc.

Salty soils can cause ionic stresses when Na+ (and Cl-) inhibit the metabolic processes of the plant and also inhibit the protein synthesis. Na+ raises toxic levels in older leaves and lead them to die. In this way, leaf area gets reduced and finally plants fail to sustain. Salty water affects in dry weather when water is really much required by plants.

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