In case of eye defects, each individual needs to wear spectacles or specs. They are called specs because of the main reason that they contain lenses. Lenses in the specs are also of two types. Convex lens is for the myopia treatment of the eyes which is the inability to see things which are far away. On the other hand, concave lens is used for hyper-metropia treatments which is the opposite of myopia. Specs are very useful to them in-day-to-day life. Apart from that, they are useful while reading books, travelling and all other related work. Specs protect eyes from the dust and dirt around the environment. It is the duty of every eye-doctor to prescribe for specs quickly if somebody is having any sort of eye defect. There are sunglasses as well which protect from ultraviolet sun-ray’s but they are trendy and only suit for the good looks. But for seeing specs with lenses are always needed.
Why do We Need Spectacles to See?