Although there are thousands of people who use many animals’ dairy products including milk, there are millions of others who prefer cow’s milk to other types of milk. This is due to the health reasons and the numerous benefits. Cow’s milk is rich in calcium which is the most essential element for the health of the bones and the body. Calcium also protects cells from harmful cancer-causing chemicals. It also prevents headaches and the PMS symptoms d0uring menses. Cow’s milk contains gout which helps fight arthritis and also has lots of protein which is very important for the body. Cow’s milk has Vitamin B2 and Vitamin B12 which are the energy providers to the body. Iodine which is an important mineral for the proper function of the thyroid hormones is found in abundant in cow’s milk. It prevents the formation of kidney stones in the body and also plays an essential role in producing red blood cells.
Why do We Prefer Cow’s Milk?