Why does a Lizard’s Tail Grow Back?

Lizards have tails which they can cut down themselves to keep safe from predators. Such process is called autonomy and, later, such cut tails can grow too. When a lizard’s tail is cut, you can never see its bleeding because the blood vessel automatically minimizes and stops bleeding. On being cut, a lizard’s tail wriggles around the floor; it seems that it will be generated again. So, there is no loss to the lizard. But in actual, a lizard keeps its fat stored in its tail. So, the  loss of the tail can cause a lizard to feel deficiency.

A new tail takes around 9 weeks to generate. In the beginning,  you can see just a dark stump of lymph vessels. Sometimes, the tail does not cut down completely. Later, it heals. In such a situation, a lizard can have two or three tails. Lizards are able to grow new tails for them through limb generation.

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