Why does Saliva Come Out when We Sleep?

Saliva is a liquid proteinaceous substance containing amylase enzyme and is produced by salivary glands under tongue. Because of amylase starch gets broken down into sugars and gets digested easily. A normal person produces up to 1.9 litres of saliva in a day but sometimes a person may face the situation where excessive saliva is coming out. Such excessive saliva may come out because of certain diseases like infection in mouth, teething, pregnancy, GERD, acute sinusitis, allergies, enlarged adenoids, tumour, Parkinson’s disease, etc.

There is also a probability that the person has less capacity to swallow or keep saliva in his mouth. Yawning can also activate the glands. Such swallowing can be caused by the enlargements of the adenoids of glands, allergies, etc. If a person is facing such issue of excessive saliva, he must consult the doctor as this problem can be very small or may be very serious.

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