Why does Saturn have Rings?

The solar system has now 8 planets and Saturn is one of them. Saturn is very special among them as it bears a ring-like structure on it. Such rings of saturn were firstly observed by Galileo in 1610 and, still, it is mystery that how actually such rings have formed. However, there are several predictions about it.

Firstly, it is believed that saturn’s rings have come from a celestial object and is still with saturn because of its high gravity and vector force. It is composed of billions of individual particles like rocks, dust, ice, etc. It orbits Saturn above just its equator. Sizes of such vary from a few centimetres to several hundred metres in diameter.

Saturn is not a unique planet as only it has rings but in reality, Uranus, Jupiter and Neptune also have such rings. The only difference is Saturn’s rings are bigger than the rings of other planets.

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