Why the Crows and the Owls Are Enemies

One day, the birds of a jungle gathered to choose their king. An owl was perched on a tree near by. The discussion went on for hours. Finally, a parrot suggested, “The owl should be our king.” The owl couldn’t see anything in the daylight but heard everything clearly. He was glad. As the birds started preparing for the coronation ceremony, a crow whispered to the other birds, “How can we crown the owl? He gets blind during the day and is ugly.” The birds thought about this and postponed the King’s election to another day. All the birds flew away except the parrot. The owl wondered why the coronation ceremony had not begun. He asked, “Why is everybody silent?” The parrot replied, “A crow said that you are ugly and blind. All the birds have left.” The owl was furious. Since that day, crows and owls became the biggest enemies.

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