Wild Turkey

The Meleagris gallopavo (scientific name) or wild turkey is endemic to the forests of North America, Mexico and the United States. 40-50 inches in length, the male has a large featherless head, throat and wattles, which are all brightly red-coloured. Its face is distinctive looking with fleshy skin right over the beak. The tail is a glossy-bronze and is long and fan-shaped. With strong sexual dimorphism, the females are duller in comparison to the males, which have the feathers of red, purple, green-gold, bronze and copper. These birds forage for food on the ground or trees. Their diet consists of hard nuts, acorns, seeds, berries, roots, insects and even reptiles. An average clutch has 10-14 eggs, incubated for 28 days. Its IUCN listing is the LEAST CONCERN.

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