William, the Complaint-Box

William was the least liked dinosaur at school. All day, every day, all William did was complain about one thing or criticize another. All other dinosaurs chose not to tell him how unpleasant this characteristic of his was, and quietly tolerated it. At the start of the new session at school, a new dinosaur Jake joined. On the very first day, William stopped by Jake’s desk and said, “Your handwriting is terrible; you should practise it more.” During the next period, William told Jake, “You are not very tall; you should exercise more.” As they walked back home, William smirked at Jake and said, “You walk so slow; you’ll always be late.” That’s when Jake said, “William, point out others’ flaws only if you have none and you, my friend, have plenty. Perfect yourself first and then question others.” Surprised at his words, William realised his flaw and mistake.

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