A long time ago, there lived King Gandharva Sen. He had two wives and two sons, one each from his two wives. Bharathari was the elder son while Vikramaditya was the younger son. After the death of Gandharva Sen, Bharathari became king. But he soon started losing interest in the welfare of the kingdom. He devoted all his time to the activities of his interest and focused just over himself. So, his step-brother, Vikramaditya, was seated on the throne soon. One day Vikramaditya urged him not to neglect his duties. Bharathari got very angry and drove Vikramaditya out of the kingdom and seated himself on the throne. Irritated with his activities, Bharathari’s wife deserted him one day. He became very upset and gave up all the pleasures of life. He began leading a holy life and became a devotee of Lord Shiva. He always chanted the name of the Lord. He realised that he had been selfish in thinking only about himself, and not about others. He attained complete self-knowledge and became pure at heart. He became one of the most respected sages of ancient India. He is always remembered for his great knowledge and learning.