Wolves are the largest members of the dog family.

The grey wolf is a widely recognized species of wolves. Despite its name,
‘grey wolf’, it can be grey, black, brown or pure white.

A wolf has extremely sharp and strong teeth which help it to
bring down even large prey such as deer.

Wolves are carnivores as they eat only meat. They can eat
20 pounds of meat in a single meal.

Wolves live and hunt in groups called ‘packs’.
A pack is a family of six to ten wolves.

The sound made by a wolf is known as a howl. Wolves howl to warn
their family and friends of danger.

Wolves are nocturnal animals. It means they are awake
at night and sleep during the day.

Wolves are excellent swimmers. They have small webs between
their toes that help them swim.

Wolves walk on their tip-toes. It’s a very effective way of running and
also prevents their paw pads from wearing down.

Wolves have sharp eyesight and a brilliant sense of smell
about 100 times greater than us.