Women In Indian Society

In ancient India women enjoyed full respect and honour and were regarded as the better halves of men. No sacrifice was complete without women participating in it. They enjoyed rights equal to men, with full liberty to receive education and prepare themselves in their own manner, to face the arduous battle of life. They had full voice in the settlement of matrimonial relations.
Keeping in tune with the ancient India in modern India too women are the builders of the nations. They have distinguished themselves in various spheres of life and have proved their efficiencies as per the politicians, poets, doctors, scholars, diplomats, ministers and women ambassadors. Such distinguished names as Mrs. Indira Gandhi, Mrs. Vijay lakshmi Pandit, Mrs. Sarojini Naidu and Mrs. Aruna Asaf Ali had established their worth to the curious gaze of orthodox Indians and to the reverent amazement of the world. Women have assumed more responsibilities not only of their families but also of the country and are contributing to the good governance of the world.
It is heartening to know that we have in India, today the educated ladies who are very keen to take up administrative work. We are amazed to see what wonderful work women are doing in offices as typists, receptionists, clerks, and officers. It has been noticed that they are quick to understand and very efficient in work and they have won the applause from the bureaucracy. They are competing for Indian Administrative Service, Indian Foreign Service, Indian Defense Services and many other spheres too.
We have women as magistrates, judges and revenue officers. They are cool headed, dispassionate, objective and impartial.
Women surely have a very important role to play in the modern world of today. The day is not far when Indian women will not only catch up with the western countries but also regain their status which they enjoyed in their distant past.

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