We all are familiar with tales from the Arabian Nights.
Fascinating tales they are, too, with magic and mystery and kings and thieves and untold treasures.
One can go on and on, recounting the elements that make these stories gripping and simply unforgettable.
Small wonder then that they have travelled all over the world.
One such story is famously titled ‘Ali Baba and the
Forty Thieves’.
Answer the following questions
1 Tales from the Arabian Nights are full of magic and _ (a) mystery (b) boredom (c) tiredness (d) none 2 ‘Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves’ is a
(a) tail (b) tale (c) novel (d) play
3 These stories have travelled all over the _
(a) street (b) road (c) path (d) world
4 How many thieves are there in the story ‘Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves’?
(a) forty (b) fifty (c) thirty (d) twenty
5 Give the plural of ‘story’.

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