Yogamaya Warns Kansa

When Kansa heard that the eighth child had been born to Vasudeva and Devaki, he ran to the jail. “Where is the eighth child?” Kansa roared. Devaki pleaded, “She is a baby-girl. How can she harm a mighty King like you? Please don’t kill her.” But Kansa picked Yogamaya up. “Die now!” thundered evil Kansa as he threw Yogamaya to the ground. The baby-girl rose in the air. She was goddess Yognidra, who had been sent by Lord Vishnu to earth to teach Kansa a lesson. “O Foolish Kansa, the One who will destroy you has been born already. You cannot win. Mark my words. You are going to die.” Evil Kansa gaped at her. She laughed and vanished into the sky. Kansa vainly boasted to his evil friends, “I fear no one except my guru Jarasandha. I will kill any strong male child to safeguard myself.” The demon-king began to hatch evil plots to kill Lord Krishna.

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