You Missed a Spot (61 Brilliant Biology Experiments)

You will need:

  1. Marker
  2. Large pieces of chart paper
  3. Blue and red
    felt pens

Figure out why sometimes your eyes play tricks or why you may see something that isn’t there with this experiment.


  1. Take a large piece of chart paper and divide it vertically in half. Write ‘A’ on the left-hand side, and ‘B’ 15 cm to the right.
  2. Take another large piece of chart paper and divide it the same way. Using marker draw a thick long rectangular blue line on the left-hand side, maintaining a small gap in the single continuous line.
  3. Draw a red circle on the right-hand side.
  4. Now ask a friend to close his left eye, and keeping his head about 20 inches away from the chart paper, look from his right eye at the letter ‘A’.
  5. While doing this, ask him to move slowly his head forward until ‘B’ disappears.
  6. Try the next experiment. Ask a friend to keep his head 20 inches away from the paper.
  7. But this time, ask him/her to cover his right eye and look at the red ball from his left eye.
  8. Once again, ask him to move slowly his head forward, until the two disjointed lines become one.


A blind spot exists in our eyeballs, specifically in the place where the optic nerve attaches itself to the eyeball a t
the back. Under normal circumstances, we do not notice a blind spot in our vision. However, when we try
and focus through only one

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