Your ‘Brand Image’

Many people mistake the physical appearance and various external characteristics of an individual and his or her personality. As they talk about a marvelous personality they may refer to the height, weight, stature and complexion. Well, if you think that it is just the appearance of the physique of a person that determines the personality, it is time to have a rethink. It is true that physical appearance does matter. However, since most of them are beyond our power and control, it is useless to waste our time and energy thinking on them. Though physical appearance can help, there are many other aspects that contribute greatly to one’s personality.
Today, personality is considered the ‘Brand Image’ of an individual. In simple terms it is made up of three aspects namely:
 Character
 Behaviour
 Attitude
Basically, personality development is the improvement of behaviour, communication skills, interpersonal relationships, attitude towards life and ethics. Character can be considered the basic factor in determining and individual’s personality. There are several psychologists who say that improving character and behaviour alone will largely influence one’s personality. It is a fact that all other factors behind a powerful personality will become useless if the person lacks a good character and behaviour.
Personality is like a building. Just as a building can exist only when it has a strong foundation, a personality can impress others only when it has a formidable basis. And the strong foundation is supplied by character and behaviour. If personality is developed on the solid base of values and ethics, it will last for ever. Fake smiles and mannerisms may attract others for a comparatively short period. However, they are short-lived and do not help in improving one’s personality.
Good behaviour and co-operation makes a man popular. As a result the possibilities of his progress and success are much more. Different people have different opinions about what makes a man’s personality complete. There are several scientists who have the view point that character does not form a part of personality, but Seven Covey, one of the all time great authors and motivators says the best personality should be based on the solid foundation of character.
The person who wants to improve his personality has to have a desire and determination; he has to identify the direction for his goals to achieve it. Once all the above three steps are taken he has to dedicate himself to the task of achieving his goal. Every human being is a unique creature. Therefore, in addition to the various common components, each one should develop his or her characteristics of personality. Always remember that blindly following someone else who is successful will never take you in the direction right for you.
There are immense possibilities within you to develop your personality with strong character you must recognize and understand them. The key to success is hidden with you. The wealth you have earned is not important but what is important is the means you have adopted for acquiring that wealth. Your personality, your capabilities, your thoughts and your ideals are all very important in determining your character.

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