A Better Life

Once upon a time, there lived a poor girl named Bella in a village. Bella did not want to go to school. Bella’s mother thought of telling her a story so that Bella might understand the importance of going to school : “Once, there lived two baby birds on a tree. Their mother had not yet taught them how to fly. Unfortunately one day, a strong wind blew. The wind blew away one of them to another town. A gentleman found a baby bird in an unconscious state. He took good care of the baby bird and taught him good manners. The baby bird was loved by all. Meanwhile, the other baby bird was caught by a bad man. The bad man trained the baby bird to become a thief. One day, the thief baby bird was shot down by a policeman.” Bella’s mother said, “Bella, I hope you understood why I want you to go to school. Good education is necessary for a better life.”

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