Max Planck

Since his birth Max Planck (23 April, 1858–4 October, 1947) had a passion for music. There were a number of musical instruments that he seemed to have simply mastered upon. But when it came to choosing a profession, he chose Physics and went on to become a leading German Theoretical physicist. He got his Doctorate of Philosophy in 1879 from Munich.

The first of his works included studies on thermoelectricity, Entropy and about the theory of diluted solutions. He was the person who originated Quantum Theory. When he had started his research, one of his professors had told him that there was not much left to discover in Physics.

So, he dedicated his life into just filling out the holes that were left in between. His work on Quantum Theory also led to him being awarded with the Nobel Prize in the field of Physics in the year 1918. Besides he also won other accolades that included the coveted Goethe Prize and Copley Medal.

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