The Widower’s Son

The Buddha’s disciples asked him, “Which religion is the correct one?” The Buddha replied, “There was once a young widower who had a five-year-old son. One day, when he was out in the forest, thieves came and burnt the whole village. They kidnapped his son. When the man returned, he saw only ashes all around, and thought his son had died. He carried the ashes around, thinking they were of his son. However, the man’s son managed to escape and came home. But the man was too busy holding on to the ashes and crying, to even open the door. You see, if we hold on to one religion or belief and think it is the whole truth, we will become like the widower. Thinking that we already possess the truth, we will not accept the actual truth even if it knocks at our door.”

Moral: Narrow views prevent us from recognising the truth.

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