
A train is a means of transport.
It is a set of railway carriages or compartments.
The compartments are pulled by an engine.
A train moves on rails.
Trains run on diesel or by electricity.
A train carries goods and people from one place to another. We go to the railway station to catch a train.
The train comes at the railway platform.
People sit in the compartments.
They can even sleep in the train.
People can get food, water, tea, coffee and other things inside the compartment.
Trains move very fast.
The trains that carry people are called passenger trains. A goods train carries goods from one place to another.
A mail train carries letters and mail.
Answer the following questions
1 A train moves on _ (a) rail (b) rails (c) road (d) air
2 Where does a train arrive? (a) platform (b) bus stop (c) airport (d) house
3 A __ train carries letters and mails.
(a) parcel (b) mail (c) letter (d) long
4 Trains move very _
(a) slow (b) fast (c) low (d) high
5 Give the plural of ‘train’.

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